What we do
Services & Solutions
Hotspot Network Limited is focused on delivering wireless communications and broadcast network infrastructure. The company has evolved, due to its small and highly mobile structure, to become a revolutionary technology firm with core competence in Telecommunication Managed Services; Wireless and Mobile Solutions; Engineering Support Services; Co-location and Infrastructure Sharing Services; Microwave Solutions, and Renewable Energy Solutions.
The company’s client base spreads across private businesses; government institutions and parastatals; multinational organizations as well as high net worth individuals; predominantly providing cutting-edge hardware with innovative software solutions and tools across a broad range of applications, devices, and platforms; to accurately reach the target audience and/or solve an existing problem
The solutions we provide include:

Tower Co-location Services
Tower co-location services is when the company operates a tower that it has built for one or more teleco company use. There are two main models here: tower ownership and license to lease. Hotspot infrastructure is predominately Tower Ownership – Partial Co-Location. This is the model where Hotspot builds and owns most of the tower infrastructure, except for power generation. This is provided by the teleco company. Hotspot may then have a license to lease agreement with the teleco providing the power generation to lease space on the tower to other telecos. The company has transited to Tower Ownership – Full Co-Location where it would own 100% of all tower infrastructure on-site, including power generation. In this model, the telecos would simply lease space on the tower on a contractual basis.
Distributed Antenna Services
This is the model where Hotspot builds antenna solutions used to re-distribute a teleco’s signal in high capacity and densely populated locations, allowing the telecom to increase densification and coverage/capacity.

Wireless Internet Service Provider
Wireless ISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider or WISP) is an internet service provider (ISP) that allows subscribers to connect to a server at designated hot spots (access points) using a wireless connection such as Wi-Fi and other small cell solutions.
Rural Connectivity (Voice and data)
Hotspot Network Limited builds and sustainably operates mobile network base stations in Nigeria, connecting the unconnected rural populations, which represents about 80m. Many cities have good mobile network coverage in cities but not in rural areas, because operators are unable to economically serve populations of less than 10,000 people due to high mobile tower capex and opex cost. Hotspot Network Limited technology is optimized for rural Nigeria, combining low power BTS transmitters with LTE backhauling technology directing traffic to an existing network and using solar panels to power the systems.

Alternative Energy Solutions
Hotspot Network Limited’s mission is to build renewable and clean Energy Systems (Solar Home systems, Micro and Mini Grids) serving rural communities in West Africa which have no existing infrastructure. HNL plans to rollout 1million SHS, Micro Grids and Mini Grids with a total capacity of 10MW across West Africa with an immediate roll out plan for 2MW in the 1st phase.